About me
I am a front-end focused web developer/engineer. I am primarily developing in modern JavaScript (ES6), using Vue and Angular. I have experience with .NET, Ionic and Flask. I want to build cool stuff!
Outside of coding, I'm a tournament Scrabble player.
If you're looking for my resume, it's here (PDF).
Feature Requester: This is a fairly simple project using Knockout.js and Flask. It allows you to create, update and delete product feature requests and display them in an attractive layout. No login is required. (GitHub source)
Mondain Words: A web app to practice unscrambling words. Ionic, Angular, Typescript, Firebase. Success in Scrabble requires the accumulation of a vast amount of information, and some way to manage that complexity. The goal of Mondain is to improve the state of the art in those areas. You do need to login with an email address to try it. (GitHub source)
Other Projects
Lexcheck (GitHub source): A small Python utility to check typographical errors in lists against a lexicon you provide. Useful for word game players preparing study lists, for instance.
Ancient Blocks (GitHub source): A minigame made in C++ with the Allegro game library.
Contact me
Email: quinn@quinnjames.net
GitHub: quinnajames
LinkedIn: Quinn James